Replies submitted by Shri T. Y. Dehankar, President, Bar Association, and six others of Bilaspur

1. According to the Census Report the population was as below:- 1931-5,216, 1941-5,552 and 1951-9,006.

These figures are from census report but they are also not correct.  The increase in the Christian population is more than indicated in these census.

2. The reason of rise in Christian population is mainly due to conversion and the fall in the population of scheduled tribe and caste is due to this alone.  Scheduled tribe and caste being poor are prone to be easy victims of Christian missionaries.

3. Maximum 10%.

4. It is very difficult to give yearly statistics in this regard.  But on the whole it may be safely said that since 47, the rate of conversion has fastly accelerated.  The census report in this regard is not reliable, the actual figures of conversion are far greater than actually under report to the Government.  Nearly 90 per cent of the converts are from scheduled castes (satnamis and Kanojiyas mainly).  Ten per cent are from scheduled tribes and castes from among Hindus.

5. The manner of conversion so far known is-

(1) Various temptation and allurements thrown to the poor and needy according to the particular cases.

(2) Threatening.

(3) Condemning other religions in and out and season.

(4) Sequeezing their victims in tight corners compelling them indirectly to embrace Christianity.

They are converted in both ways-individually and in groups as well according to the place and locality.  Backward people often get converted in group.  They catch an influential man of the caste and try to convert him and with him his followers get converted.

Yes, the head of the family is their first target, other members of the family follow suit as they are too conscious of their own rights due to the wrong notion propagated by missionaries that when the head of the family is converted automatically all of them naturally have converted.

6. The following organisations are engaged in conversion-

(1) Catholic, (2) Shephers Mission, (3) Church of Christ Mission, (4) Evangelical Mission, (5) Foreign Christian Mission, (6) Protest Church, (7) Seventh Day Adventist Mission. (8) Lutherian Mission at Champa.

Yes, their agents do contact their victims individually.

7. The working of the organisation is as follows:-

They carry on their conversion activity with the help of Pracharaks who are under reverenced father of a church.  They go to melas, bazars, and villages, hospitals, court and other such places and by knowing about their likely victims, they throw the allurement or temptations suiting individual victims of theirs and they after seeing their victim completely in their net, use various methods as will be described in answer to paragraph 8 in converting.  Their constitution varies but generally it is as follows:-

The pracharaks are from amongst the old converts who have been given systematic training in this regard and like jail warders, they are promoted as Pracharaks.

The emoluments are far too fat as compared to the work done by them.  They get about Rs. 40 to 300 as pay or honorarium besides all other facilities, like houses, cars, etc.  Yes, they are awarded high rewards and this depends upon their achievement in effecting the number of conversion, e.g., Shri Makbul Masih, Scott, Sukhnandan, Solomon, Lawrence. etc., are our illustration in this regard who have been of Takhatpur, sent to even America for their high Achievements in conversion.

8. The methods of conversion as suggested in the question itself are employed.  They vary according to individual cases:-

(a) At first loans are advanced and interest is charged.  Later they are asked to embrace Christianity on the condition to forego the loan on the condition that the borrower attends the Church, salutes the Christ and praises Ishoo, learn the manner they are asked that in case they embrace Christianity the loan will be remitted.  If not they are dunned to pay the loan and are harassed by them in all possible ways.

(b) Yes, this means is also adopted in case of those whom they see that they cannot bear the charges thereof.  After they are admitted, slowly and gradually, they are asked to take medicine after repeating the name of Christ.  The patients are given free books on Christianity and bible.  They are asked to attend prayers and then asked to embrace Christianity.  Poor and innocent scheduled castes and aboriginals are easy prey in this regard.  In case such patients are reluctant to act according to their wishes, treatment and medicine are stopped on some pretext or the other.  The medium of hospital is the most powerful means of conversion in this district.  Leprosy Asylum of Baitalpur, Champa, T. B. hospital of Pendra Road, Eye and general hospital of Mungeli have been the foremost centres of proselytisation in this district.  Poor and even middle class have fallen as victim.  T. B. sanatorium at Pendra has given bitter experience to many a well to do patients.  Free and special beds are provided for Christian Patients.  Once a victim shows signs of coming into their thumb, all best treatment, are accorded to him.  Free food is also supplied to him.  Non-Christian religious books are forbidden to be read in Hospitals.

(c) After hospital, this is the second most powerful means of proselytisation.  Poor students are allured to be given freeship and scholarship if they attend prayer aid gradually they are asked to embrace Christianity.  In many Christian schools, Bible is compulsory even for non-Christians.  If such boys do not show signs of failing prey to them, financial aid is stopped.  Mostly free education is provided to converts.

(d) Yes, they study the situation for sometime and slowly take one side.  Seeing that one of the sides has been won over, they help him financially in litigation.

(e) Yes, this is an oft repeated means to persons who are poor but have been a bit educated.  They in season and out of season impress upon them how they in their ancestral religion are outcastes, untouchables and given a low status with promise to accord a better status in Christianity.  They will sit close to him and give lift to them in costly motor cars.

(f) Yes, Christian Hospital, schools, churches, are institutions where employment is offered.  Absence of non-Christian staff in such institution is remarkable.

(g) Yes, good looking young girls of marriageable age are generally allowed to mix with the young non-Christian boys and then if the boy falls prey to the girls outer appearance, she induces him to get converted and in case the boy shows willingness, he is converted and marked to the girl.  In case of reluctance, he is threatened criminal prosecution.

(h) Yes, Missionaries always extol Christianity.  They preach foreign culture by themselves moulding their life in western ways and condemn Indian culture and ways of life.

(i) Yes, Jessus Christ is said to be the only God who delivers eternal until they decry non-Christian deities.  Hindu Gods are badly censorship of deities in Hindu ways is decried.  Various books distributed by preachers are full of such idea-Satya Guru Ki Khoj, Guru Ghasi Das, etc.

(j) Yes. they preach that it is only Christ and Christianity alone that is eternal salvation while others are sons of Satan.

(k) Yes, after independence, they are taking sides with political parties in election.  They hold the hopes to the intending converts to offer tickets of their platforms.

(l) Yes, in case they see that there are few non-Christians in their midst, they approach these persons and slowly gradually induce them to embrace Christianity.  In case they are reluctant they harass him by all possible means.

(m) Yes, all means fair or foul are adopted.  This depends upon particular case.

Specific instances in this regard are there.  It is deemed desirable that the identity of such victims is kept a secret.  They will be produced as witnesses or their written complaints will be produced at the time the commission comes here for recording evidence.  It is highly apprehended that disclosure of names will lead to the witnesses tampering and winning over these witnesses by all means.  Already missionaries are very active in this regard.

9. Figures in this regard are very difficult to collect.  But very few persons of such standard have been converted sincerely to our knowledge.

10. To our knowledge none.

11. Definitely so. Conversion to Christianity is amounting to change of loyalty against the Indian Nation.  They look to America and United Kingdom as their fatherland (Y_m©ÝVa amhþZM amîQ­>mÝVa hm{V Amh{). Burgess Memorial School, Bilaspur, had refused to hoist National Flag.  National songs are not sung in such schools.  They did not participate in national festivals till recently.  It is only after the appointment of Niyogi Commission that they are pretending to be Nationalist.  Under the cave of decrying Commission they are extolling United States of America and United Kingdom.  Shri Makbul Masih of Takhatpur, till lately a Congressmen, is a living example in this regard.  Persons found to have created good work as regards conversion are sent to America and their outlook is changed and they are trained to look upon America as the deliverer of goods in the world.

12. Yes.

13. Yes.  Yes.  Christian preachers decry the non-Christian Gods, Goddesses and deities in very filthy ways without having deeply studied such religions and even despite doing so.  This has led to many a quarrel.  In schools also, Christian boys and girls are often found decrying non-Christian Gods and Goddesses and deities and their religion and always extol Christian religion and Jesus Christ.  This had led to quarrels between them.

14. Yes, both Indian and foreign Missionaries both use such language.

15. Generally, Pracharaks are local.  They wield great influence in their locality because of financial strength behind their institution and hence they are regarded as influential and powerful in the villages where they work.  Sometimes, outsiders also come for prachar. At first, they declare themselves of the same caste, as according to the majority of local population, and after studying that their influence is increasing they declare themselves as Christians.  They mix with the people and slowly and gradually they decry their social backwardness as compared to caste Hindu, they study each individual likely to fall prey, and allure him in the way described in various ways as stated in answer to question above.

16. No definite education standard of Pracharaks can be laid down.  Formerly, generally educated persons used to be employed but now they employ all sort of man as according to circumstances and locality demand.

Their emoluments are far too fat as compared to their qualification. They are highly rewarded in case their work is found satisfactory.  Number of persons or families converted is generally the criterion for such award and man like Makbul Masih have been sent to America on this score alone

17. The new recruits in this regard are asked to be in company with preachers, while staff in schools and hospitals are asked to observe their seniors, in this regard.  Nuns get training in churches in this regard and after some year�s observation and accompaniment, they get trained.  Yes.  Some persons are also sent to foreign for training.  An average good academic qualification coupled with his organising capacity, number of converts at his credit is the criterion for such selection.

18. Generally, a Pracharak�s jurisdiction is four to five villages.  His work is supervised by father of the church situate within a circle.  The influence that a Pracharak establish, easy and economical conversion generally of the entire family is regarded as the chief criterion of success of a Pracharak�s work.

19. Generally, cheap books in Hindi script in local language are freely distributed by Pracharaks in bazars, fairs, railway platforms, courts.  Various such books have been distributed.  They are generally sent from Gas Memorial, Raipur, Jabalpur Christian Press, Allahabad Press and others such big centres wherefrom an organised propaganda books are published and sent to local Mission authorities for free distribution.  �Masihi Awaj� is an example in this regard.  Names of such books will be found on back cover of �Masihi Awaj� of May 1954, published from Raipur. (Chandra Lila Sadhuni ad Vritant.)

Nowadays, since there has been an agitation against the activities of foreign missionaries, they have begun to disown the methods alleged to have been practised by them.  �Prakash�, published by Gas Memorial, Raipur, Madhya Pradesh, is doing such work.

20. Yes.  All possible means are being resorted to.  Nowadays, they are pretending to show that they are not opposed to Indian culture and use all local ways of bhajan, kirtan, etc.  Even foreign missionaries with white skins have taken to sari, put on kumkum and wear bangles.

21. Yes.  Please see Shri V. N. Bapat, Joint Secretary, Vanwasi Sewa Mandal, Chhindwara�s complaint in �Hitawada� of 14th or 15th July 1954.  One Nahusingh, son of Lashusingh, Gond, of Devri, post Keronja, tahsil Dindori, had come to Brooks Agricultural Indian-English Middle School, Jerhagaon, district Bilaspur, but he was refused admission since he refused to embrace Christianity.  Shri Tarachand of Torwa, a T. B. patient at Pendra Sanatorium. was refused treatment as he resented their differential treatment to Christians and non-Christians.  He was refused medical aid at a critical stage and has gone to Madras side.  There are many other instances which will be produced at the time of evidence, like Kuswa Raut at Champa Mission Hospital, and several others.

22. Yes.  Christian fairs are held in places like Baitalpur, Madkughat, Pendra.  Last year, such fair took place at Baitalpur.  All preachers, big Christian authorities, fathers and influential Christian missionaries participate.  They discuss ways and means to propagate Christianity in all possible ways and w best to increase the Christian population, review of their past work.  Other converts all participate and they bring with them ignorant adolescent boys and girls and women to show them the grandeur of their fair with a view to impress upon them what advantages they can give by conversion to Christianity.  This has great influence on such boys and girls and it becomes easy to convert them.  Presents are distributed (sari, fine blouse cloth, hair pins, powder, snow, etc.).

23. They contact with the Government of the country according as the Mission is.

24. No.

25. Yes.  Anti-national, anti-Indian cultural feelings are being found by such institutions. Just as there were Hindu-Muslim riots before 1947, it is apprehended that non-Christian-Christian riots may take place in villages where there is Christian majority.

26. Yes.  In villages where there is Christian majority, the Christians do boycott the non-Christians and use all the methods to harass them.  They deliberately go and fetch water closely with non-Christians in a well so as to touch them and thereby they harass them.

27. We have no knowledge in this regard.

28. Activities of Christians, in general, in such respect are guided by foreign missionaries.  They act up to their instructions only.  This is from the general observation from other parts of the country.

29. Yes, they are now participating in election matters so as to gain advantage for their organisations.  They vote en-bloc for a candidate who suits their interest.  In recent Mungeli Janapada Elections, they did form a block on this regard.  They led support to demand, like Jharkhand and Isaisthan.

30. Christian Government servants take a particular view of such complaints made by Christians while non-Christian Government servants do not have such view irrespective of the complainant being Christian or non-Christian, e.g., many obstacles were brought in the way of recognition of Devkinandan Girls� High School, Bilaspur, by the then Christian officer of the Education Department of Madhya Pradesh Government (other instances will be produced at the time of evidence).

31. Christians do not participate directly and openly in politics but they indirectly support party from which they see that they can gain advantage. This is more so in local elections.

32. Outwardly and not inwardly.  If cheap imitation of western mode of living, putting on shirt and pant and tie and applying lipstick and powder when Christians stroll on streets, alone is regarded as the criterion of rise in standard of living, then certainly. But they are hollow substantially.  This is dependent on their submission to the dictates of the controllers of missionary activities.  There are certain Christians who have grown tired of such dictation of the missionary authorities and the result is that they are spending their days with great difficulties.

33. If, what is regarded as morality according to Indian cultural standard, their moral has deteriorated.  They were far better as scantily clothed non-Christians than what they are with up-to-date dress as Christians.  They look to Western culture in all walks of life.  On the other hand, those who often come in contact with such converts, have also been seen deteriorated morally.  Many school boys and girls (non-Christian) admitted in mission schools and colleges are seen to have lost all respect for their religion and they ape western ways of life.

34. No such instance known to us.

35. Question does not arise.

36. They are apathetic towards such effects.  They have not participated in Harijan Sewa Sangh work nor in Ksurba Trus work or Bhoodan.  Such action and out look on their part are opposed to their interest.  On the other hand from the heart of their hearts are opposed to such effects for they know, that their activities will come to halt in case such national activities succeed as then they will have no attraction to allure the ignorant and poor aboriginals and scheduled castes and famine-stricken cultivators.

37. No. They have not done so to our knowledge.

38. Yes, at Champa.

39. None.  But of late since there has arisen a resentment against activities of foreign missions in the country, instructions from higher quarters are being issued to make a show of Christians as loyal Indians.  Hence now some converts are so living so as to be mistaken for non-Christians unless their religion or faith is asked.  Thus this method is being adopted to deceive the nation,

40. Yes.  America and United Kingdom or countries whose mission they belong to, are regarded by them as their father lands.

41. As far as possible they try to adopt Western habits in all their walks of life. Marriages are held in Christian fashion and deities.

42. Their activities are definitely detrimental to National Interest. They have no patriotic feelings.  They have no regard for the great souls of India specially of the past.  Their activities as regards demand for Jharkhand or separate Isai Sthan is well-known.  Howsoever they may try to disown such demands now.  They have a cover only to render human service but their inner design is antinational.  Of late they dare not outwardly go against the Government directions as regards the celebration of nation festivals but inwardly they have no charm for these.  They any how finish such festival.

43. Please see answer to question at above.

44. Yes.  Many of them had left India during 1947 but they have come in increasing numerical strength.  Except statistics of increase cannot be given but it is general admitted fact.

45. Missions own large tracts of land at Mungeli, Sargaon, Betalpur, Champa, Gaurella, Ratanpur, Pendra, Takhatpur, Jerhagaon, Lata, Kewta Dabri, Domanpur, Mahanbhata, Fosterpur, Janjgir, Bilaspur Besides this, they have vast School and Hospital buildings, their buildings in Christians colonies, Bungalows.  Still further there is unimaginable funds at their command from the countries from which the mission comes from.  Not even the Government possesses buildings like these in this district.

46. All missions are foreign in this district, in their origin though they may have employed Indian converts to work them.  Mostly they are Americans and English.

47. Generally they have good English education.  They are generally the employees of missions who are promoted from lower to higher rungs and likewise their emoluments also increase.  Their pays differ according to the position they occupy.  No definite figure in this regard can be given but their ways of life indicate that not our ministers can lead such a life with the pay and fixed allowances they are getting at present.

48. There are about 8 to 9 such persons in this regard.  Selection has already been described.  Mission itself bears the expenses.

49. No.

50. Their organisation differ according to the country and economic strength behind each mission.  The foreign missions and their Government in some cases are the respective supreme controlling authorities.

51 and 52.  They are financed by missions of foreign countries.  Formerly (before the country became alert of the activities of the missionaries) they were having regular budget and accounts and these should be called forth by the commission but afterwards it seems the foreign missions entrust the funds to their Indian subordinates with close watch over the expenditure.  Application of Madhya Pradesh Trust Act may have resulted in keeping of regular statements of immovable assets but it is doubtful whether actual monetary account of all the money that we see essential for carrying out of their activities on such gigantic scale, is being kept.  These accounts are not public accounts.  However, Deputy Commissioner�s office may have all accounts submitted in this regard under Madhya Pradesh Trust Act.  No audit has been done since no auditors have yet been appointed in this regard by the State Government under Madhya Pradesh Trust Act and rules. (So far as Bilaspur district is concerned.). They have not registered themselves under Madhya Pradesh Trust Act.

53. It has already been stated that unimaginable amounts have poured in. The very fact that they are running so many well-equipped Hospitals, Schools and Churches with well-equipped staff is a pointer in this regard.

54. Whatever amount, e.g., grants for Schools or Hospitals, if any, received is spent in such institutions under name of social uplift but in fact the real motive is conversion.  Under the name of �Red Cross� missions get some amount of �Powder Milk� which is being distributed by Christian convert nurses or dais to their likely victims.

Non-Christians have hardly any controlling hand in this regard.  Non-Christians mostly officials are invited only on ceremonial occasions to grace, the occasion and are served with tea and light refreshment on such occasions.  No uplift of any kind beneficial to the nation gained thereof.

55. Please see answer to question 19 above.  These books and propaganda are intolerant of non-Christian faith and non-Christian Gods and Goddesses unlike Hindu and religion.  They preach that only Christianity and Christ alone can give eternal peace or Mukti.

56. They are unavailable to non-Christians since 1947 they have become more alert.  So much so that even the converts have now begun to hide their real faith and first they will disclose themselves as Gond or Panika but an requisite inquiry alone will bring the fact of their real faith out and many are deceived.  As already stated that of late under the garb of local customs, old practices and ceremonies so as to show them real Indians, are carrying on their activities of conversion.  This has all the more accelerated the pace of conversion for this is more appealing to the ignorant and poor who think that by converting themselves, they have not undergone any change save instead of reciting the name of their God they recite the name of Jesus Christ.  But after some time the real things come before them.  These later tactics are all the more dangerous and against the interest of the nation.

57. (i) Besides the activities mentioned under sub-heads (a) and (b) they carry on money lending.

(ii) They carry on participating in litigation.

(iii) They have clubs attached to Schools, Hospitals or Churches.  The activities of Schools and Hospitals and the result archived through them is already stated above.

Activities of the type (i) and (ii) is fastly growing has taken heavy toll in conversion.  Famine condition since last two or three years has lead them to gather a bumper harvest in conversion.

In village Nayapara (Moch) alone ten families could be converted due to this.

Starting of club is with a view to keep the converts aloof from studying the dictates perpetrated by their superiors and from non-missionaries.

58. No idea in this regard can be expressed.  Generally those who are employees, borrowers, preachers, patients, are punished:-

(1) Employee is a Christian convert is punished for not carrying out instructions properly or showing independent spirit.

(2) Non-Christian is expelled, not promoted, not sent for training or dismissed ultimately, if he does not become Christian or does not obey the superior who imposes such orders as are almost repugnant to his religious faith and morals.

(3) Borrowers and patients for non-conversion.

59. They work mostly in places inhabited by Satnamis, aboriginals and scheduled tribes for it is mostly the satnamis that have fallen easy prey to them due to various circumstances.

60. Mostly all have their headquarters at Bilaspur.  But they have establishment like Hospitals and Schools at the following places Mungeli, Jarhagaon, Takhatpur, Fasterpur, Sargaon, Batilpur, Patharia, Janjgir, Champa, Akaltara, Ratanpur, Pendra, Gourella, Sakti, Jyotipur, Motimpur, Kewta Darbi, Domanpur, Mahuwabhatha.  They are working in Bilaspur district since long and the communications to these places are open all the year round.  Generally all such places are accessible in all weather by motorable roads.

61. Bilaspur is a district place.  Mungeli and Janjgir are tahsil places.  Takhatpur, Pendra (Gourella combined), Champa, Akaltara, Ratanpur, Baitalpur and Sargaon are big places.  Generally they have police station.  Other places are also visited frequently by Police Inspectors and Revenue Officers.

62. Yes.  They are open to public.

63. Generally the various missionaries do not encroach upon one another�s area.  It is generally found that a particular mission has influence in particular area.  Hence the other does not go to that area, the district they have divided for their sphere of activities.

64. They have increased and have been intensified since 1947.  More Pracharaks, more Schools And Churches and Hospitals and frequent visit by their superiors, new types of tactics as stated above more money, all these go intensify to increase their activities.  Christian converts are employed in mission work in this regard.  Hence their activities have increased.  Fast growing Christians colonies in various places, along give the general idea of their increased activities.  No statistics as regards extent can be given.

65. Yes.  Famine conditions, poverty, lack of medical facilities, lack of finance in litigations coupled with ignorance and backwardness of the victims have gone a great extent in this regard.  Keota Darbi and Khairjhiti provide example of Conversion in this regard.

66. They demand separate state for themselves like Pakistan and Balkanise India specially in Chhota-Nagpur.

67. Before 1947, they had the support of the Government.  After 1947 they indirectly participated in elections by mass voting.  For Parliament and Assembly elections they have supported the party in power lest they may incur, its displeasure, while in local elections, they have sided with the candidates who can, best serve their interest.  They don�t expect financial help but they fear obstacles in their way of propagation, and laws that directly or indirectly come in their way, e.g., Bhoodan, removal of caste, disabilities Act, Community Project Work, Educational and Social activities of Government for aboriginal and Scheduled Castes and Harijan movement of Gandhiji.

68. Before 1947, they did indirectly help in this regard and past history of this district shows that Tea Garden Labour Recruiting Officers were Christians and this district supplied a good number.  However, the pace has diminished in this regard. No knowledge in this regard.

69 to 73. There are the following mission hospitals in the district:-

(1) Jackmen�s Memoral Hospital, Bilaspur.
(2) St. Luis Hospital, Takhatpur.
(3) T. B. Hospital (Mission) at Pendra.
(4) Mission Hospital, Mungeli.
(5) Leper (Mission) Hospital at Champa.
(6) �������� Baitalpur.

They are Allopathic.  Free medical aid and bed for Christians.  Charges are made from non-Christians depending upon the individual cases.  Poor and needy are their victims.  Religious preaching is carried on and all sorts of tactics are adopted for conversion of poor and needy.  Refusal on their part results in stoppage of medical treatment or they neglect him so as to compel him to leave the hospital.

This is the most powerful institution at their command for conversion.  Convert nurses and young girls who are mostly provided employment in hospitals are also used as snaring media for young n6n-Christian boys likely to fall easy prey to them.

Staunch non-Christian patients not likely to fall prey to them are charged exorbitantly at each step or neglected.

Persuasion to attend prayer is effected persistently specially for poor and needy.  Those who do are shown favour.  Systematic propaganda is carried on by each nurse and doctor or employee and books related in Christianity.  Poor and ignorant patients are asked to take medicine after reciting the name of Christ.

Free copies of bibles and books related in Christianity are distributed in hospitals to many poor patients.

Yes. Instance is of one Kusuwa of Champa who was not allowed to read Ramayan in hospital.  Tarachand of Torwa was not allowed to read his religious books at Pendra Road Sanatorium.

74. Generally they are old Indian converts, educated and brought up with mission funds.  A few are Americans.  All staff is Christian.  Scales of pay vary but is greater as compared to same staff of Government service.  They have been working since long in such institutions, though they are transferred from one place to another.

75. Mission authority constitute such body.  All are Christian converts or Americans or English as the mission may be.

76. This question does not arise as almost the entire staff right from mali to head of managing body is Christian.

77. All or allopathic medicines, mostly manufactured in America (U.S. A.) and England.  The mission hospitals prescribe only the American and English medicines as according to the country to whose tail they are tied.  These hospitals are salesmen for such medicines.  They never prescribe Indian make medicines even though equally effective.

78. Anglo-vernacular middle schools.
Anglo-vernacular primary schools.
Anglo-vernacular high schools.
Anglo-vernacular high schools for girls exclusively.

There is an agricultural section of Indian-English Middle School at Takhatpur.

79. Yes.  When Shri Franklin was Director of Public Instruction he brought many obstacles in recognition of Deokinandan School for girls of Bilaspur.  Boys coming from Birla School were harassed at the time of admission.

80. There are schools at every big village or towns in this district.  The number may exceed 25 at least.  Mostly the boys are Christian.

81.  Yes.  Instances will be cited at the time of evidence.  Poor and needy students are their victims.  No means are spared to catch them in their nets.  Slowly the teachers mark such students, begin to take interest in him and slowly and gradually promise him all help for highest education in case of conversion and even sending to foreign countries. With, if the parent�s consent and against their protest if they do not, provided the boys show willingness which is obtained by deceitful means and allurement. Such boys are of such age when they can be easily won over by such temptations.

82. The case of one Nanhu Singh has already been cited above.  When he demanded transfer certificate, his name has been shown as Paul Nanhoodas son of Dr. Bembu, caste Christian though his father�s name is Labhusingh and is Gond by caste.

83. Generally under some pretext or the other, the Christian students are not required to pay fees or full fees while full fees is realised from non-Christians.  Various scholarships and freeships are generally granted mostly to Christians though there may be more deserving than non-Christian students in this regard.  Specific instances will be produced at the time of evidence.  Such means are potent weapons in their hands for the proselytisation.

84 and 85. Religious institution only of Christian religion is regularly imported.  There is Bible class in all Christian schools while a show is made to indicate that they have no objection if the pupil read their own religious books but there is no regular class or teacher provided in this regard as that of bible class.  In many schools bible class is compulsory. Pupil getting good marks in Bible paper or examination is awarded attractive prizes.

86. To our knowledge they depict bright picture of Christianity and Christian saints while dark of non-Christian faiths and their personalities.

87. The non-Christians are mostly taken in temporary vacancy or reliving vacancy when no Christian teacher is available.  Non-Christian staff is done away with various pretexts.  Yes. Samelal teacher of Pendra Mission School had already reacted his tale before this commission on their last visit.  Haricharan of  Janjgir, Shanker Rao Konber of Gaurella Mission School and other such teachers.  Shri Marischandra Potdar�s services were also dispensed with, because he was a Hindu though the cause shown was different.

88. As regards holidays they are governed and guided by Madhya Pradesh Government, Education Department, rules and regulations. They however, continue to grant holidays for X�mas and other Christian festivals as they used to do before 1947.

89. Only since late they have begun doing so and that too for names sale.  They only hoist national flag, any how sing national anthem and disperse.  This is done to save skin from official displeasure with no heart in the celebration.

90. Yes, mostly English dramas, and dramas how a person become Christian wherein they depict how a man loses faith in non-Christian religion, he defiles non-Christian deities and exalts Jesus Christ.  American and English ways of life are shown in such dramas.  Their songs and style is complete alien to Indian ways of life.  These dramas are staged and showed to soft minded and immature boys and girls and poor and innocent villagers to depict the superiority of Christian over non-Christian faith.

A drama in this respect was depicted in Burgess Memorial Girls School, Bilaspur.

91. Yes, almost every mission school nowadays has a hostel wherein Christians are admitted at almost no cost though for whose sake nominal charges might be shown now and they may say that non-Christians are welcome but they do not come.  The atmosphere in such hostels is such that no non-Christian will like to live in that atmosphere, where dishonour to his religion and faith is expressed at each step.

92. Yes.  Poor Christians or Satnamis who cannot maintain them, those born as illegitimate Children in hospitals left by their parents are kept here and in hospitals and are converted. Detailed police enquiry in this regard in Jackmen�s Memorial Hospital, Bilaspur, may disclose such cases. Jitendra Bahal of Koni, was converted by Shri Reynold.

93. Conversion is not due to conviction but is attained by allurement, ignorance, force and other means stated in question 8. The ultimate design being to swell their population and establishes lesson for themselves in India so as to afford a lending hand to the countries with whom they are wedded, in politics.

Then the inflow of such missions and expel those already here just as China did.

Nationalise all schools, hospitals or such institutions should be given under the care of local bodies or a managing committee appointed by Government or local bodies consisting of Christians, non-Christian and officials Just as was done in Cuttack.

All their money lending licences should be confiscated and Co-operative Societies should be asked to look to these, on the ground that foreign money is indirectly earning usurious profits.  Provisions of money lenders and usurious loans act must be liberally exercised and in case the defendant pleads that pressure was brought for conversion such loins should be deemed to be immoral and the plaintiff suit should be dismissed.

There should be strict watch over the activities of the Indian missionaries whom reasons exits to suppose, that they are being run on foreign capital.

Provisions of Madhya Pradesh Trust Act, should be wore scrupulously exercised and defaulters should be brought to book.  Provision should be made in that act that in case of two defaults for any breach the trust property and management will be resumed by the Government.

Auditors must be soon appointed by the Government and their accounts should be scrupulously checked and defaulters should be punished.  Government scale of audit fees should be made compulsory payable by these instead as at present in that act, where there is every fear that the auditor in pursuit of high fees payable by trustees may give a biased report favourable to the missionaries.

Conversion should not be recognised unless the district magistrate is satisfied that it is due to religious conviction that a man agrees to be converted.  Act should be made that no child below the age of 15 years be converted unless both parents convert themselves.

Giving of allurement or practising of any tactics stated in question 8 for conversion should be made penal punishable with three years rigorous imprisionment.

Appointment in schools and hospitals should be done by Government and education and public health department.  Appointment should be made irrespective caste and creed or religion.

Government should increase its activities as regards community project, social welfare amongst backward caste and tribes specially amongst satnamis and aboriginals.

More liberal grant of tacabi for agricultural and other allied trade purpose.  Opening of cottage industries training centres.  More school and hospitals and training of more nurses and daies and more maternity centres, in rural areas are essential to combat this national evil.

No amount of money coming from foreign should be allowed to reach missionaries or any of its employees.  It should be first required to be deposited in Imperial Bank, Bombay, and report to the income-tax department should be simultaneously made.  After a thorough enquiry money should be sent to the Deputy Commissioner of the respective districts and then the Deputy Commissioner should be required to see that the recipient of money gives a declaration that the money has been duly accounted for in the accounts required to be submitted under Madhya Pradesh Trust Act and rules.  Before cash is paid by the local branch of Imperial Bank. This declaration should be filled in the register kept in the Deputy Commissioner�s Office under Madhya Pradesh Trust Act.

In every six months the Trustees of mission properties should be required to give a return of the assets of the Trust property as well as their own for their dependants to the authorities under Estate Duty Act of their areas

Dodgers of registration under Madhya Pradesh Trust Act should be strictly dealt with and defaulters property be taken over by Government for management.

There should be a register in the office of District Magistrate to record conversion from one religion to another after the District Magistrate accords permission as stated above.  Non-recorded persons will be recognised as no converted and the persons who participate in such ceremony should be punished just like the Child Marriage Act and before according direction for such recording District Magistrate should make thorough enquiry regarding the fact that it is only the religious conviction that has prompted the applicant to change his faith and religious preacher of his father-religion should be allowed an opportunity to disclose him all the salient features of that faith.  A clear prior notice of three months on the part of the intending convert of his intention to get converted to a particular religion to the District Magistrate should be made obligatory.  On receipt of such notice District Magistrate should cause notice to be published in local newspapers in this regard, inviting the attention of the public in general and his relatives in particular in this regard.  With liberty to them to acquaint such applicant with the salient features of his faith.  And proceedings should take place after expiration of one month of the publication and the said notice for expiration of three months as stated above, whichever is later.

94. Through it may not be so in certain exceptions like Rev. Tilak, on general it has been observed that the way in which conversion has taken place in our countries into Christianity, has definitely changed the culture of converts though they may now due to criticism of men like Rev. Tilak and Mrs. Modak of Newyork may outwardly pose to be culturally India-ns.

95. True religious teachings should be imported to pupils in schools without rendering any communal tinge.  True religious teachings will alivate their morals and they will have faith in their religion and their country.  Hence the basic principles of religion which have succeeded in preserving human society, must be taught, our national mottos like �Satyam Vad�, �Dharaman Char�, etc., must be emphasised.

96. Yes.  But the patients should do according to their faith. Prayers, etc., should not be conducted through Hospitals or schools or institutions which run them.

97. The example of Chou-en-Lai�s China should be followed in this regard, viz., so long as an institution is carrying on humanitarian activity and preaching its religious truths it can, but if such activity is detrimental to the interest of a nation or such activity has the effect of creating such following whose loyalty is not above doubt and whose growth if unchecked will endanger national security, then beyond doubt, without hesitation meicy, the State is entitled to call halt to the same and if such activity is conducted through foreign missionaries, to call upon them to quit lock, stock and barrel.  Their designs are no more a secret now, it is, therefore, the most opportune time for the Government to wait no more and carry out the example of China into action in this regard.  We have lately a bitter experience of vivisection of our mother-land.  We do not want repetition in that regard.  English came in garb of traders and we have had bitter slavery for 250 years.  We should take leaf from this and we should be cautious of the priests now and the so-called benefits of humanity.  If they have really such designs there is ample scope for them to practice the same in their own lands, where there are thousands of sufferers.  The need to preach Christianity is all the more essential in their own lands, be their American, English, French, Russian or Portuguese, for we see that these lands seem devoid of Christianity and are ready to destroy humanity by unnecessarily hobnobbing with other political affairs.  Their activities in foreign countries are well kept under view and they have been found to work as spies and fifth columnists.  We should be on our guard against such mi3sioiiaries (See �Hitavada� of 12th or 13th September 1954).  As long back as 1935 Col. Meek also recommended such action to the then Government (See �Tarun Bharat�, dated the 2nd August 1954).  Their activities in South Africa and Kenya are well-known (See �Kesari�, dated the 27th June 1954, page 3).

Yes. Whenever Arya Samaj or Hindu Sabha or other such organisations have taken steps to preach their religion, there have been quarrels in various places.

98. Please read the articles of Satyawan Namdeo Suryawanshi on page 17 to 25 in Kirlosker Masik of August 1954 issue of that of Mrs. Modak of Newyork, in �Kesari�, dated the 2nd and 5th November 1954, and 2nd September 1954-

In our opinion every true Indian irrespective of religion or faith should cry halt to the nefarious activities of their missionaries.

99. Yes.

Advocate, President, Bar Association, Bilaspur.

Advocate, Bilaspur.

Joint Secretary, Shri Krishna Soushal, Bilaspur.

Pleader, Municipal Member.

Advocate, Bilaspur.


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